With distortion, the tone remains thick and fat while being slightly compressed and thick with a low-end growl and a medium attack. Additionally, High Outputs have a nice compressed, beefy sound. When playing clean, High Output Mustang Pickups sound very thick and dark, simply because of the increased mids and lows, and less highs. These, like the Vintage output, sound best with 250K pots. Expect a medium attack, low-end growl, and a compressed grind with distortion. The 5% overwound coil gives the player 5% less highs and 5% more mids than the Vintage Output Mustang. Additionally, Blues Specials sound very open and clear without sounding too compressed. When playing clean, Blues Specials sound thick and rich, especially in the lows and mids. Single notes cut through with ease while chords have an excellent string-to-string definition. Also, you’ll notice a clear low-end and a sharp attack. Expect a dynamic and thick buttery grind with distortion. They sound big and wide, with an even balance of Bass, Middle, and Treble. Don’t expect it to sound “tinny” or glassy – these are still warm and full-bodied. Vintage Output Mustangs sound best with 250K pots. The Vintage Output Mustang will sparkle and sound very clear.

They are the truest to the original Vintage Mustangs. The Vintage Output will sound the cleanest. We use our same formula and amount of turns as we do on our Vintage Hots, Blues Specials, and High Output Strat pickups. We have 3 outputs available: Vintage, Blues, and High Output. 10-Year Warranty on manufacturing defects.Hand-built fiberboard Bobbins for unrivaled quality control.Hand-wound with our “Sectioning” technique for unique, dynamic tone.Two magnet staggers are available for different fingerboard radiuses.RW / RP Neck Pickup for Hum-Cancelling in the middle position.Compensated Bridge for even volume across all pickups.USA-made Alnico 5 Magnets for optimal tonal balance and output.Clean and clear, lots of Fender sparkle and twang.Original Fender specifications, with modern output.We also make this model in our Split Blade version: Split Blade for Mustang. We took our formula for our famous Vintage Hots, Blues Specials, and High Outputs, and we applied them to these amazing-sounding Mustang pickups. The sizing is consistent with all Fender guitars, so you can easily drop them in your Fender Mustang or Duosonic. Our Mustang pickups offer a few outputs to fine-tune your instrument’s own voice. Musicians looking for a sparkling, bright, and open sound will love the sound of our replacement pickups. Pickup is wired with a wiring kit from: Fralin Mustang Pickups: it’s like putting on glasses for the first time. The pickup is available with unexposed (standard) or with exposed or radius'ed pole pieces, and also in Alnico 2 (Aero Type 3) This Aero pickup is a drop-in replacement pickup designed to fit under existing covers.

The original "Musicmaster" pickup has 6 pole pieces and was designed for guitar, not bass. The Aero website (/) says: Aero is the first company to manufacture a true 4 pole piece "Musicmaster" pickup. Everything works fine with this pickup - I just thought that the vintage bass would sell better with all original electronics. I've unfortunately got to sell the bass on to fund other things so I've stuck the original pickup and wiring back into the bass for sale. It sounded great and was a big step up from the original 6 pole strat pickup. I had this pickup and wiring fitted to my '78 Musicmaster. The pickup is wired with CTS pots and Sprague orange drop capacitor and includes a pickup cover. For sale is an Aero Musicmasterer 4 pickup.